Patents for Sylvanus Sawyer |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,874 | Nov. 13, 1849 | S. Sawyer | Machine for splitting and dressing rattan | rattan machines |
8,178 | Jun. 24, 1851 | S. Sawyer | Machine for cutting ratan, &c. | rattan machines |
12,073 | Dec. 12, 1854 | S. Sawyer | Ratan-machine | rattan machines |
12,141 | Jan. 02, 1855 | S. Sawyer | Machine for splitting ratans into strips | rattan machines |
13,799 | Nov. 13, 1855 | S. Sawyer | Improved compound projectile | |
34,040 | Dec. 24, 1861 | S. Sawyer | Improved fuse-hood for shells | |
34,041 | Dec. 24, 1861 | S. Sawyer | Improvement in mandrels for loading case-shot, &c. | |
49,553 | Aug. 22, 1865 | S. Sawyer, E.E. Safford | Improved Adjustable Center-Punch | center punches |
63,656 | Apr. 09, 1867 | S. Sawyer | Improvement in Dividers and Calipers | calipers |
78,238 | May 26, 1868 | S. Sawyer | Improvement in rattan-machines | rattan machines |
79,603 | Jul. 07, 1868 | S. Sawyer | Improvement in Calipers | calipers |
280,867 | Jul. 10, 1883 | S. Sawyer | Improvement in Watchmakers Lathes | watchmakers lathes |