Patents for James C. Graham |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,246,085 | Sep. 21, 1993 | R.D. Liegel, B. James, C.E. Naber, J.C. Graham, C.A. Wisner | Work station for portable spray paint booth | vehicle body and frame repairer |
5,493,925 | Feb. 27, 1996 | R.D. Liegel, J.C. Graham | Mounting for vehicle measuring system | vehicle body and frame repairer |
5,544,861 | Aug. 13, 1996 | C.A. Wisner, J.C. Graham, T.F. Mandery | Adjustable riser-ramp assembly | automobile and truck jacks |
6,185,982 | Feb. 13, 2001 | J.G. Ballard, J.C. Graham | Apparatus for securing vehicle | vehicle body and frame repairer |
CA-2,327,226 | Jun. 02, 2001 | J.G. Ballard, J.C. Graham, R. Jeffrey | Vehicle interchangeable repair system | vehicle body and frame repairer |
6,568,237 | May 27, 2003 | J.C. Graham, J.G. Ballard | Apparatus and method for vehicle manipulative anchoring | vehicle body and frame repairer |