Patents for Z. C. Robbins |
Patents 1 -
of 19
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,017 | May 01, 1845 | R.R. Throckmorton | Machine for planing, tonguing and grooving, rabbeting, and beading planks and other lumber | wood planers |
4,983 | Feb. 27, 1847 | J. Powell, N. Barlow, E. Holden | Machine for planing, tonguing and grooving | wood planers |
5,578 | May 16, 1848 | B. Edwards | Corn Sheller | corn shellers |
6,392 | Apr. 24, 1849 | C. Hicks, C.H. Peck | Planing-machine | wood planers |
6,469 | May 22, 1849 | A. Lincoln | Buoying Vessels over Shoals | |
7,024 | Jan. 15, 1850 | R. Kittle | Machinery for tonguing and grooving | matchers |
7,603 | Aug. 27, 1850 | H. Knowles | Teeth for straight and circular saws | sawblades |
8,125 | May 27, 1851 | N. Barlow | Planing-machine | wood planers |
9,100 | Jul. 06, 1852 | W.F. Fergus, J.M. Patton | Cutter-head for planing | cutterheads |
9,284 | Sep. 28, 1852 | H. Knowles | Saw mill | reciprocating sawmills |
9,917 | Aug. 09, 1853 | B.H. Green | Carpenter's Clamp | clamps |
11,209 | Jul. 04, 1854 | T. Cox | Machine for bending fellies | wheelwright |
11,900 | Nov. 07, 1854 | B. McKeage | Mode of sawing bolts for staves | barrel making machines |
12,134 | Jan. 02, 1855 | H. Knowles | Cutter for tonguing and grooving | cutters |
12,449 | Feb. 27, 1855 | W. Steele | Tenoning-machine | tenoning machines |