Patents for Eugene A. Olig |
Patents 1 -
of 3
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,521,526 | Jul. 21, 1970 | S.E. Klabunde, E.A. Olig | Method and Apparatus for Positional Control Compensation for Temperature Changes in Machine Tool Spindles | metalworking machine mechanisms |
4,055,787 | Oct. 25, 1977 | E.A. Olig, B.R. Beadle | Interruptable Numerical Contouring Control System with Return to Path Safeguards | nc and cnc apparatus |
4,074,177 | Feb. 14, 1978 | E.A. Olig | Methods and Apparatus for Automatic Movement of a Member to Precisely Indexed Positions Despite Signal Drift or Offset | metalworking machine mechanisms |