Patents for Walter S. Landon, deceased (Estate of) |
Patents 1 -
of 4
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,505,975 | May 02, 1950 | M.E. Landon, Administratrix, W.S. Landon, deceased (Estate of) | Reciprocating Travel Controlling Means | valves |
2,564,438 | Aug. 14, 1951 | M.E. Landon, Administratrix, W.S. Landon, deceased (Estate of) | Metering Valve and Control Means Therefor | flow controls |
2,592,913 | Apr. 15, 1952 | M.E. Landon, Administratrix, W.S. Landon, deceased (Estate of) | Liquid Level Control Means | liquid level controls |
2,615,671 | Oct. 28, 1952 | M.E. Landon, Administratrix, W.S. Landon, deceased (Estate of) | Metering Valve | metering apparatus |