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Patents for E. J. Nottingham
Patents 1 - 15 of 40
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
210,420Dec. 03, 1878W.H. GrayGrafting Implement
212,369Feb. 18, 1879J. Gilberds, B. FranklinPipe-Wrench With Cutterpipe wrenches
213,350Mar. 18, 1879S.E. RootClock-Dialclockmaker
214,697Apr. 22, 1879P. PepplerPipe-Wrench Attachmentspipe jaw attachments for wrenches
221,781Nov. 18, 1879J.W. CheneyImprovement in Combined Anvil and Viseanvils
252,704Jan. 24, 1882W.H. SouthwickCombined Drill and Countersinkdrill bits
253,089Jan. 31, 1882W. O'Connell, Jr.Wrenchpipe wrenches
RE10,145Jul. 04, 1882F. ChantrellAdjustable Socket Wrenchsocket wrenches
271,219Jan. 30, 1883J. CampbellDouble End Block Planebench planes
306,439Oct. 14, 1884B.F. StockfordWrenchquick adjust wrenches
310,476Jan. 06, 1885A.L. TeetorGrain Scourergrain scourers
348,522Aug. 31, 1886J.S. HuffmanWrench For Handling Axle-Nutsaxle nut wrenches
367,497Aug. 02, 1887C.L. BardWhip Socket, Oil Can, and Wrench Combinedcombination tools
370,447Sep. 27, 1887C.M. BrownAdjustable Wrenchquick adjust wrenches
371,310Oct. 11, 1887J.A. FitzgeraldClamp
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