Patents for E. J. Nottingham |
Patents 1 -
of 40
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
210,420 | Dec. 03, 1878 | W.H. Gray | Grafting Implement | |
212,369 | Feb. 18, 1879 | J. Gilberds, B. Franklin | Pipe-Wrench With Cutter | pipe wrenches |
213,350 | Mar. 18, 1879 | S.E. Root | Clock-Dial | clockmaker |
214,697 | Apr. 22, 1879 | P. Peppler | Pipe-Wrench Attachments | pipe jaw attachments for wrenches |
221,781 | Nov. 18, 1879 | J.W. Cheney | Improvement in Combined Anvil and Vise | anvils |
252,704 | Jan. 24, 1882 | W.H. Southwick | Combined Drill and Countersink | drill bits |
253,089 | Jan. 31, 1882 | W. O'Connell, Jr. | Wrench | pipe wrenches |
RE10,145 | Jul. 04, 1882 | F. Chantrell | Adjustable Socket Wrench | socket wrenches |
271,219 | Jan. 30, 1883 | J. Campbell | Double End Block Plane | bench planes |
306,439 | Oct. 14, 1884 | B.F. Stockford | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
310,476 | Jan. 06, 1885 | A.L. Teetor | Grain Scourer | grain scourers |
348,522 | Aug. 31, 1886 | J.S. Huffman | Wrench For Handling Axle-Nuts | axle nut wrenches |
367,497 | Aug. 02, 1887 | C.L. Bard | Whip Socket, Oil Can, and Wrench Combined | combination tools |
370,447 | Sep. 27, 1887 | C.M. Brown | Adjustable Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
371,310 | Oct. 11, 1887 | J.A. Fitzgerald | Clamp | |