Patents for E. Wolff |
Patents 1 -
of 17
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
124,068 | Feb. 27, 1872 | A. Lane | Improvment in Corn Husking and Shelling Machnes | miller |
125,203 | Apr. 02, 1872 | W.A. Lorenz | Improvement in Extension Lathe Carrier | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
126,506 | May 07, 1872 | W.C. Westerfield | Improvement in Pipe-Wrenches | pipe wrenches |
134,198 | Dec. 24, 1872 | J.S. Eltenborough | Toolholders for Planers | metal planer tools |
137,129 | Mar. 25, 1873 | S.B. Dexter | Combined Wrenches and Grappling Tools | self-adjust wrenches |
141,049 | Jul. 22, 1873 | R. Harper | Metal Planing Machines | metal planers |
144,731 | Nov. 18, 1873 | G.W. Bishop | Mechanisms for Reversing Engines | steam engine valve gear |
145,106 | Dec. 02, 1873 | A.E. Flickinger, G.W. Huber | Improvement in Bench-Plane | bench planes |
146,824 | Jan. 27, 1874 | H. Hale, T. Hale | Fruit Jars | jar wrenches |
148,889 | Mar. 24, 1874 | A. Kotzum | Pipe-Tongs | pipe tongs |
149,641 | Apr. 14, 1874 | A. Collis | Pipe-Wrenches | pipe wrenches |
173,845 | Feb. 22, 1876 | E.G. Clinch | Pipe-Wrench | pipe wrenches |
177,100 | May 09, 1876 | G.M. Curry | Pipe Tongs | pipe tongs |
183,344 | Oct. 17, 1876 | J.R. Taber | Hose-Spanner | firehose and hydrant wrenches |
195,266 | Sep. 18, 1877 | J. Eiseman | Detachable Serrated Jaw | pipe jaw attachments for wrenches |