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Patents for E. Wolff
Patents 1 - 15 of 17
First set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
124,068Feb. 27, 1872A. LaneImprovment in Corn Husking and Shelling Machnesmiller
125,203Apr. 02, 1872W.A. LorenzImprovement in Extension Lathe Carriermetal lathe accessories and attachments
126,506May 07, 1872W.C. WesterfieldImprovement in Pipe-Wrenchespipe wrenches
134,198Dec. 24, 1872J.S. EltenboroughToolholders for Planersmetal planer tools
137,129Mar. 25, 1873S.B. DexterCombined Wrenches and Grappling Toolsself-adjust wrenches
141,049Jul. 22, 1873R. HarperMetal Planing Machinesmetal planers
144,731Nov. 18, 1873G.W. BishopMechanisms for Reversing Enginessteam engine valve gear
145,106Dec. 02, 1873A.E. Flickinger, G.W. HuberImprovement in Bench-Planebench planes
146,824Jan. 27, 1874H. Hale, T. HaleFruit Jarsjar wrenches
148,889Mar. 24, 1874A. KotzumPipe-Tongspipe tongs
149,641Apr. 14, 1874A. CollisPipe-Wrenchespipe wrenches
173,845Feb. 22, 1876E.G. ClinchPipe-Wrenchpipe wrenches
177,100May 09, 1876G.M. CurryPipe Tongspipe tongs
183,344Oct. 17, 1876J.R. TaberHose-Spannerfirehose and hydrant wrenches
195,266Sep. 18, 1877J. EisemanDetachable Serrated Jawpipe jaw attachments for wrenches
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