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Patents for Alban Andrén
Patents 16 - 30 of 39
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
282,161Jul. 31, 1883W.W. CareyWood-rim pulleyindustrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms
289,319Nov. 27, 1883W.O. SmithWood-molding machinespecialty woodworking machines
318,480May 26, 1885D.T. KendrrickCamera Tripod Jointcamera tripods
330,008Nov. 10, 1885B. GallagherCutter-head for trimming the heels of boots or shoesshoe and boot making machines
341,803May 11, 1886B. GallagherHeel-trimming machineshoe and boot making machines
388,584Aug. 28, 1888W.W. Carey, S.N. Bourne, S.S. RaymondGage and feed attachment for buzz planing-machinesjointers
389,012Sep. 04, 1888E. RivettTool-rest for hand-lathes
403,824May 21, 1889W.W. CareyWood-rim pulleyindustrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms
429,519Jun. 03, 1890Z. GoodellHatchway for elevatorselevators and lifts
444,812Jan. 20, 1891W.W. CareySelf-lubricating device for pulleysindustrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms
454,848Jun. 30, 1891J.S. CanteloDrawing-knifedraw knives
462,329Nov. 03, 1891E. RivettFiling-rest for lathesmetal lathe accessories and attachments
487,160Nov. 29, 1892E. RivettMilling-machinemilling machines
528,714Nov. 06, 1894W.W. CareyRing-oiler bearingwoodworking machine lubrication
540,984Jun. 11, 1895H.J. HjorthBreast or Hand Drillbreast drills
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