Patents for Alban Andrén |
Patents 16 -
of 39
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
282,161 | Jul. 31, 1883 | W.W. Carey | Wood-rim pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
289,319 | Nov. 27, 1883 | W.O. Smith | Wood-molding machine | specialty woodworking machines |
318,480 | May 26, 1885 | D.T. Kendrrick | Camera Tripod Joint | camera tripods |
330,008 | Nov. 10, 1885 | B. Gallagher | Cutter-head for trimming the heels of boots or shoes | shoe and boot making machines |
341,803 | May 11, 1886 | B. Gallagher | Heel-trimming machine | shoe and boot making machines |
388,584 | Aug. 28, 1888 | W.W. Carey, S.N. Bourne, S.S. Raymond | Gage and feed attachment for buzz planing-machines | jointers |
389,012 | Sep. 04, 1888 | E. Rivett | Tool-rest for hand-lathes | |
403,824 | May 21, 1889 | W.W. Carey | Wood-rim pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
429,519 | Jun. 03, 1890 | Z. Goodell | Hatchway for elevators | elevators and lifts |
444,812 | Jan. 20, 1891 | W.W. Carey | Self-lubricating device for pulleys | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
454,848 | Jun. 30, 1891 | J.S. Cantelo | Drawing-knife | draw knives |
462,329 | Nov. 03, 1891 | E. Rivett | Filing-rest for lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
487,160 | Nov. 29, 1892 | E. Rivett | Milling-machine | milling machines |
528,714 | Nov. 06, 1894 | W.W. Carey | Ring-oiler bearing | woodworking machine lubrication |
540,984 | Jun. 11, 1895 | H.J. Hjorth | Breast or Hand Drill | breast drills |