Patents for David M. Weston |
Patents 1 -
of 4
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
63,770 | Apr. 09, 1867 | D.M. Weston | Improvement in centrifugal machines for draining sugar and other substances | sugar refining apparatus |
RE2,845 | Jan. 14, 1868 | D.M. Weston | Improvement in centrifugal machines for draining sugar and other substances | sugar refining apparatus |
82,049 | Sep. 08, 1868 | D.M. Weston | Improved self-balancing centrifugal machine | centrifuges |
RE8,489 | Nov. 12, 1878 | D.M. Weston | Improvement in self-balancing centrifugal machines | centrifuges |