Patents for Thomas S. Poole |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
79,683 | Jul. 07, 1868 | J.M. Poole | Machine for Turning Cylinders | metal lathes |
99,000 | Jan. 18, 1870 | J.M. Poole | Grinding Machine | cylindrical grinders |
104,492 | Jun. 21, 1870 | J.M. Poole | Machine for Grinding Rollers | profile and contour grinders |
130,741 | Aug. 20, 1872 | J.M. Poole | Improvement in Machines for Grinding Objects Cylindrical | cylindrical grinders |
175,159 | Mar. 21, 1876 | T.S. Poole | Lathe for Turning Rolls | metal lathe chucks |
RE7,240 | Jul. 25, 1876 | J.M. Poole | Machines for Grinding Rollers | profile and contour grinders |
RE7,978 | Dec. 04, 1877 | J.M. Poole | Machine for Grinding Objects Cylindrically | cylindrical grinders |