Patents for Matthew L. Foreman |
Patents 1 -
of 4
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,861,555 | Nov. 25, 1958 | M.L. Foreman, A.K. Antonsen | Internal Combustion Engine | internal combustion engines |
3,407,790 | Oct. 29, 1968 | M.L. Foreman, A.K. Antonsen | Uniflow Scavenged Engine Having Improved Gaseous Fuel Admission | internal combustion engines |
3,411,289 | Nov. 19, 1968 | M.L. Foreman, A.K. Antonsen | Turbocharged Opposed Piston Engine Having Improved Air Charging and Scavenging | opposed piston engines |
3,561,407 | Feb. 09, 1971 | J.H. Davids, A.K. Antonsen, M.L. Foreman | Reversible Internal Combustion Engine Having Improved Fuel Control Means | fuel pumps |