Patents for Louis E. Endsley |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,189,888 | Feb. 13, 1940 | L.E. Endsley | Thermal Control of Internal Combustion Engines | cooling apparatus |
2,231,260 | Feb. 11, 1941 | L.E. Endsley | Power Unit Mounting Means | power plants |
2,279,037 | Apr. 07, 1942 | L.E. Endsley | Method and Means for Controlling Internal Combustion Engines | diesel locomotives |
2,472,288 | Jun. 07, 1949 | J.H. Lentell, W.W. Schettler, L.E. Endsley | Piston | pistons |
2,496,458 | Feb. 07, 1950 | J.E. Justus, L.E. Endsley | Engine Fuel Control Means | diesel engines |
2,541,919 | Feb. 13, 1951 | L.E. Endsley | Piston Cooling | cooling apparatus |
2,566,083 | Aug. 28, 1951 | J.E. Justus, L.E. Endsley | Control Device for Engine Fuel Systems | diesel engines |
2,571,022 | Oct. 09, 1951 | L.E. Endsley | Piston Cooling | pistons |