Patents for William C. Heath |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,393,778 | Oct. 18, 1921 | W.C. Heath | Engine Mechanism Assembly | internal combustion engines |
1,441,681 | Jan. 09, 1923 | W.C. Heath | Protected Electrode Igniter | ignition apparatus |
1,452,601 | Apr. 24, 1923 | W.C. Heath | Ignition System for Combustion Engines | ignition systems |
1,790,919 | Feb. 03, 1931 | W.C. Heath | Metallic Container | washing machines |
1,821,216 | Sep. 01, 1931 | F.G. Hobart, W.C. Heath | Pump | pumps |
1,851,310 | Mar. 29, 1932 | W.C. Heath | Machine Tool | drill press accessories |
1,876,926 | Sep. 13, 1932 | W.C. Heath | Pressure Actuated Switch | electric switches |
1,948,853 | Feb. 27, 1934 | W.C. Heath | Magneto Construction | magnetos |
1,948,854 | Feb. 27, 1934 | W.C. Heath | Magneto Electric Machine | magnetos |
1,994,646 | Mar. 19, 1935 | W.C. Heath | Conveyer System | conveyors and hoppers |
1,999,657 | Apr. 30, 1935 | W.C. Heath | Conveyer for Production Lines | conveyors and hoppers |