Patents for Kendall F. Bone |
Patents 1 -
of 4
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,222,991 | Dec. 14, 1965 | K.F. Bone | Bearing Preload Mechanism for Machine Tool | metalworking machine bearings |
4,309,600 | Jan. 05, 1982 | K.F. Bone, R.L. Bomkamp, C.P. Perry | Machine Tool | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |
4,516,044 | May 07, 1985 | K.F. Bone | Heat Exchange Apparatus for Electric Motor and Electric Motor Equipped Therewith | motor cooling |
4,604,008 | Aug. 05, 1986 | K.F. Bone | Metal Working Machine Having Polygon Tool Support Bar | metalworking machine mechanisms |