Patents for Johannes G. Padelt |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,719,679 | Oct. 04, 1955 | J.G. Padelt, H. Nerwin | Means for Engaging Photographic Film to Connect the Film to the Spool or Core of a Cassette | film and plate holders |
3,039,441 | Jun. 19, 1962 | A.F. Hurlburt, J.G. Padelt | Photographic Camera | cameras |
3,100,428 | Aug. 13, 1963 | J.G. Padelt | Knob for Setting Diaphragm Aperture on Camera Equipped with Exposure Meter | cameras |
3,256,795 | Jun. 21, 1966 | J.G. Padelt | Focal Plane Shutter for Cameras | camera shutters |
3,390,592 | Jul. 02, 1968 | J.G. Padelt | Coupling for Shutter Release Cable for Cameras | camera accessories |