Patents for Hubert Nerwin |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,693,744 | Nov. 09, 1954 | M.B. Moore, H. Nerwin, C.E. Smith | Rangefinder for Photographic Cameras | camera range finders |
2,719,454 | Oct. 04, 1955 | H. Nerwin | Parallax Mechanism for Photographic Camera | camera view finders |
2,719,679 | Oct. 04, 1955 | J.G. Padelt, H. Nerwin | Means for Engaging Photographic Film to Connect the Film to the Spool or Core of a Cassette | film and plate holders |
2,721,041 | Oct. 18, 1955 | H. Nerwin | Film Cartridge for Photographic Cameras | film and plate holders |
2,811,908 | Nov. 05, 1957 | H. Nerwin | Rangefinder Deflecting System for Photographic Cameras | camera range finders |
2,813,469 | Nov. 19, 1957 | H. Nerwin | Photographic Camera | cameras |
2,902,913 | Sep. 08, 1959 | M.B. Moore, H. Nerwin, C.E. Smith | Range Finder for Photographic Cameras | camera range finders |
2,943,549 | Jul. 05, 1960 | H. Nerwin | Photographic Camera | cameras |