Patents for Henry G. Ashton |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
123,546 | Feb. 13, 1872 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Lock Safety-Valves for Steam-Boilers | steam safety valves |
186,783 | Jan. 30, 1877 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valve Attachments to Utilize the Escape-Steam | steam safety valves |
197,072 | Nov. 13, 1877 | J.E. Maynadier, H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valves | steam safety valves |
197,073 | Nov. 13, 1877 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valve Attachments to Utilize the Escape Steam | steam safety valves |
200,119 | Feb. 12, 1878 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valves | steam safety valves |
201,862 | Apr. 02, 1878 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Exhaust Mechanisms for Locomotives and Other Steam-Engines | steam safety valves |
RE8,211 | May 07, 1878 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valve Attachment to Utilize Escape-Steam | steam safety valves |
GB-187,802,049 | May 22, 1878 | W.R. Lake, H.G. Ashton | Improvements in Apparatus to be Used on Connection with Locomotive and Other Boilers for Relieving the Same from Pressure Heating, the Feed Water Regulating the Discharge of the Waste Steam, and for Other Like Purposes | feedwater apparatus |
214,981 | May 06, 1879 | H.G. Ashton | Improvement in Safety-Valve Attachments | steam safety valves |
GB-188,003,849 | Sep. 22, 1880 | H.G. Ashton | Improvements on Safety Valves | steam safety valves |
291,126 | Jan. 01, 1884 | H.G. Ashton | Safety-Valve | steam safety valves |
299,503 | Jun. 03, 1884 | H.G. Ashton | Safety Valves | steam safety valves |
301,079 | Jul. 01, 1884 | H.G. Ashton | Safety-Valve | steam safety valves |
303,252 | Aug. 12, 1884 | H.G. Ashton | Safety Valves | steam safety valves |
306,208 | Oct. 07, 1884 | R. Gould, H.G. Ashton | Safety Valves | steam safety valves |