Patents for Miles Sweet |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
69,100 | Sep. 24, 1867 | W.P. Kellogg, M. Sweet | Improvement in curry-combs | grooming equipment |
88,821 | Apr. 13, 1869 | M. Sweet | Improvement in boring-machines | wood drilling and boring |
89,182 | Apr. 20, 1869 | M. Sweet | Improved curry-comb | grooming equipment |
RE7,820 | Jul. 31, 1877 | M. Sweet | Improvement in curry-combs | |
234,501 | Nov. 16, 1880 | M. Sweet | Curry-comb | grooming equipment |
D14,108 | Jul. 17, 1883 | M. Sweet | Design for a curry-comb back-handle | |
289,170 | Nov. 27, 1883 | M. Sweet | Wood-boring machine | wood drilling and boring |
299,179 | May 27, 1884 | M. Sweet | Halter or tie for animals | |
346,444 | Jul. 27, 1886 | M. Sweet | Curry-comb | grooming equipment |
346,445 | Jul. 27, 1886 | M. Sweet | Curry-comb | grooming equipment |
356,543 | Jan. 25, 1887 | M. Sweet, H. McPherson | Curry-comb | grooming equipment |
409,522 | Aug. 20, 1889 | M. Sweet | Machine for riveting curry-combs | grooming equipment |