Patents for William W. Dingee |
Patents 16 -
of 29
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
558,873 | Apr. 21, 1896 | W.W. Dingee | Band Cutter and Feeder | band cutters and feeders |
571,898 | Nov. 24, 1896 | W.W. Dingee | Pneumatic Stacker | hay or straw stackers |
D28,987 | Jul. 05, 1898 | W.W. Dingee | Separator Sieve | corn and grain separators |
615,144 | Nov. 29, 1898 | W.W. Dingee | Governor | threshers and thrashers |
620,232 | Feb. 28, 1899 | W.W. Dingee | Straw Stacker | hay or straw stackers |
640,997 | Jan. 09, 1900 | W.W. Dingee | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
666,654 | Jan. 29, 1901 | W.W. Dingee | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
668,141 | Feb. 12, 1901 | W.W. Dingee | Wind Stacker | threshers and thrashers |
736,235 | Aug. 11, 1903 | W.W. Dingee | Pump for Portable Engines and the Like | steam pumps |
747,906 | Dec. 22, 1903 | W.W. Dingee | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
751,619 | Feb. 09, 1904 | W.W. Dingee | Threshing Machine | threshers and thrashers |
797,101 | Aug. 15, 1905 | W.W. Dingee | Portable Horse Power | animal powered apparatus |
808,024 | Dec. 19, 1905 | W.W. Dingee | Straw Carrier | hay or straw stackers |
826,923 | Jul. 24, 1906 | W.W. Dingee | Automatic Means for Feeding Liquids | steam engine lubricators |