Patents for A. M. Wooster |
Patents 1 -
of 55
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
274,545 | Mar. 27, 1883 | J.H. Hine, F. Armstrong | Wrench | quick adjust wrenches |
286,422 | Oct. 09, 1883 | E.L. Gaylord | Picture-mat-cutting machine | |
295,408 | Mar. 18, 1884 | G.W. Kerr | Quick-acting brace chuck for square-shank bits. | |
314,011 | Mar. 17, 1885 | P.L. Fox | Lock-Mortising Chisel | swan neck chisels |
323,005 | Jul. 28, 1885 | M. Wheeler | Saw set | saw sets |
331,047 | Nov. 24, 1885 | P.L. Fox | Combined Square and Miter | miter squares |
336,560 | Feb. 23, 1886 | J.S. Fray | Screw-Driver | ratcheting screwdrivers |
354,073 | Dec. 07, 1886 | J. Swan | Boring-machine | portable timber borers |
357,245 | Feb. 08, 1887 | J. Swan | Ratchet Screw Driver Handle | ratcheting screwdrivers |
360,426 | Apr. 05, 1887 | J. Fray, J.S. Fray | Tool-Handle | tool handles |
366,322 | Jul. 12, 1887 | C.H. Johnson | Combination Tool | wrench combination tools |
370,054 | Sep. 20, 1887 | P.L. Fox | Spirit level | levels |
381,092 | Apr. 10, 1888 | J. Swan | Machine for Grooving Bit-Blanks | making drills and augers |
390,470 | Oct. 02, 1888 | P.L. Fox | Combined Try Square and Device for Laying Out Angles | try squares |
395,222 | Dec. 25, 1888 | J.S. Fray | Brace-Chuck | brace chucks |