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Patents for Henry Mellish
Patents 1 - 14 of 14
First set of recordsLast set of records
7,821XNov. 19, 1833H. MellishTenoning machinetenoning machines
7,822XNov. 19, 1833H. MellishMortising machinemortising machines
8,551XDec. 23, 1834H. MellishTurning irregular formspattern lathes
9,315XJan. 11, 1836H. MellishHanging wagons
9,773XJun. 25, 1836H. MellishVegetable cuttervegetable cutters and slicers
4,769Sep. 19, 1846H. MellishSelf-setting tail-blocksawmill tailblocks
8,017Apr. 01, 1851H. MellishSplint-machinematch making machines
17,249May 05, 1857H. MellishCutter for turning cylindrical wooden boxesbox making machines
63,279Mar. 26, 1867H. MellishImprovement in machines for making fruit-basketswood lathes
63,280Mar. 26, 1867H. MellishImprovement in machines for cutting the bottoms of fruit-basketsspecialty woodworking machines
63,414Apr. 02, 1867H. MellishImprovement in machines for cutting out the bodies of fruit-basketswood lathes
63,415Apr. 02, 1867H. MellishImprovement in machines for cutting toy pails from woodwood lathes
73,740Jan. 28, 1868H. MellishImprovement in machines for making wooden bowlsspecialty woodworking machines
152,569Jun. 30, 1874H. MellishMachines for Cutting Clothes Pinsclothespin machines
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