Patents for Henry Mellish |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,821X | Nov. 19, 1833 | H. Mellish | Tenoning machine | tenoning machines |
7,822X | Nov. 19, 1833 | H. Mellish | Mortising machine | mortising machines |
8,551X | Dec. 23, 1834 | H. Mellish | Turning irregular forms | pattern lathes |
9,315X | Jan. 11, 1836 | H. Mellish | Hanging wagons | |
9,773X | Jun. 25, 1836 | H. Mellish | Vegetable cutter | vegetable cutters and slicers |
4,769 | Sep. 19, 1846 | H. Mellish | Self-setting tail-block | sawmill tailblocks |
8,017 | Apr. 01, 1851 | H. Mellish | Splint-machine | match making machines |
17,249 | May 05, 1857 | H. Mellish | Cutter for turning cylindrical wooden boxes | box making machines |
63,279 | Mar. 26, 1867 | H. Mellish | Improvement in machines for making fruit-baskets | wood lathes |
63,280 | Mar. 26, 1867 | H. Mellish | Improvement in machines for cutting the bottoms of fruit-baskets | specialty woodworking machines |
63,414 | Apr. 02, 1867 | H. Mellish | Improvement in machines for cutting out the bodies of fruit-baskets | wood lathes |
63,415 | Apr. 02, 1867 | H. Mellish | Improvement in machines for cutting toy pails from wood | wood lathes |
73,740 | Jan. 28, 1868 | H. Mellish | Improvement in machines for making wooden bowls | specialty woodworking machines |
152,569 | Jun. 30, 1874 | H. Mellish | Machines for Cutting Clothes Pins | clothespin machines |