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Patents for Alfred Muir
Patents 1 - 15 of 15
First set of recordsLast set of records
GB-186,901,263Apr. 24, 1869A. MuirImprovements in stocks and dies for screwing bolts and other articlestaps and dies
GB-187,600,318Jan. 26, 1876T. Beeley, A. MuirImprovements in preparing metal plates, bars, and rings, and in machinery employed thereinmetalworking machines
GB-187,703,560Sep. 21, 1877G. Mason, A. MuirImprovements in machinery for cutting and shaping wood, metal, and other materialsmetalworking machines
GB-187,903,105Jul. 31, 1879A. MuirImprovements in Making "Dummys" or "Formers" for Shaping Edge-Milling or Profiling Machinesmilling machine accessories
GB-187,905,059Dec. 10, 1879A. MuirImprovements in shaping, edge-milling, or profiling machinesmetal shapers
GB-188,004,443Oct. 30, 1880A. MuirMilling Cutters, Reamers, Flat Cutters, and Other Tools Used in Turning, Planing, Shaping, Boring, and Cutting Metalmilling machine cutters
241,695May 17, 1881A. MuirMilling-cuttermilling machine cutters
GB-188,200,498Feb. 01, 1882A. MuirCutting machinery (cutting oval holes)metalworking machines
GB-188,303,865Oct. 12, 1883A. MuirCoupling shaftingindustrial machine shaft couplings
297,153Apr. 22, 1884A. MuirCoupling Shaftingindustrial machine shaft couplings
427,887May 13, 1890A. MuirAdjustable-thickness washer
441,071Nov. 18, 1890A. MuirChuckdrill press chucks
GB-189,202,082Feb. 03, 1892A. MuirTool Rests for Latheslathe tool holders and tool posts
493,041Mar. 07, 1893A. MuirTool Rest for Lathesmetal lathe accessories and attachments
493,231Mar. 07, 1893A. MuirChuckdrill press chucks
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