Patents for Albert F. Hall |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
46,823 | Mar. 14, 1865 | M.J. Rice, W.H. Millen | Improved journal-box | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
46,981 | Mar. 28, 1865 | E.H. Ashcroft | Improved ratchet-drill | ratchet drills |
49,591 | Aug. 22, 1865 | M.J. Rice, W.H. Millen | Improved journal-box | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
154,808 | Sep. 08, 1874 | J.M. Seymour | Improvement in attaching and adjusting wabbling-saws on their arbors | dado machines |
154,809 | Sep. 08, 1874 | J.M. Seymour | Improvement in machines for boring blind-stiles | windowblind machines |