Patents for Keith F. Gallimore |
Patents 16 -
of 30
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,343,504 | Mar. 07, 1944 | K.F. Gallimore | Table Drive for Machine Tools | metalworking power transmission |
2,360,118 | Oct. 10, 1944 | K.F. Gallimore, E.K. Morgan | Work support | horizontal boring mills |
2,375,408 | May 08, 1945 | G.H. Schurger, K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,393,696 | Jan. 29, 1946 | K.F. Gallimore, H.B. Kraut | Machine tool | boring and turning machines |
2,400,819 | May 21, 1946 | H.B. Kraut, K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,426,621 | Sep. 02, 1947 | H.B. Kraut, K.F. Gallimore, E.K. Morgan | Machine tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,428,309 | Sep. 30, 1947 | K.F. Gallimore | Boring machine | horizontal boring mills |
2,483,535 | Oct. 04, 1949 | K.F. Gallimore | Reciprocatory Drive for Machine Tools | metalworking power transmission |
2,577,517 | Dec. 04, 1951 | K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,620,710 | Dec. 09, 1952 | G.H. Schurger, K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,643,441 | Jun. 30, 1953 | K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,730,021 | Jan. 10, 1956 | G.F. Schurger, K.F. Gallimore | Machine Tool | horizontal boring mills |
2,762,269 | Sep. 11, 1956 | K.F. Gallimore | Lubricating System for Machine Tools | metalworking machine lubrication |
2,774,250 | Dec. 18, 1956 | K.F. Gallimore | Multi Speed Transmission for Machine Tools | metalworking power transmission |
2,809,418 | Oct. 15, 1957 | G. Schurger, K.F. Gallimore | Guideway and Gib Constructions | metalworking machine mechanisms |