Patents for Elton S. Cornell |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,136,491 | Nov. 15, 1938 | E.S. Cornell | Metalworking Machine | surface grinders |
2,253,846 | Aug. 26, 1941 | E.S. Cornell | Machine Tool and Dust Guard Therefor | surface grinders |
CA-409,903 | Jan. 12, 1943 | E.S. Cornell | Machine-Outil Avec Garede-Poussiere | surface grinders |
2,330,686 | Sep. 28, 1943 | C.N. Williams, E.S. Cornell | Tool Spindle with Removable Projection | metalworking power transmission |
2,432,384 | Dec. 09, 1947 | E.S. Cornell | Circular Size Gage | thickness gages |
2,449,842 | Sep. 21, 1948 | E.S. Cornell | Work Gauge | thread gages |
2,538,295 | Jan. 16, 1951 | E.S. Cornell | Thread size gauge | thread gages |
2,581,001 | Jan. 01, 1952 | E.S. Cornell | Taper gauge | taper gauges |
CA-506,234 | Oct. 05, 1954 | E.S. Cornell | Machines-Outtils Commandees HydrauliQuement | surface grinders |