Patents for William Barton Eddison |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,630,956 | Mar. 10, 1953 | W.B. Eddison, J.L. Pomeroy | Machine for Applying Sealing Bands to Bottles | bottle cappers |
2,673,674 | Mar. 30, 1954 | W.B. Eddison | Machine for Applying Sealing Bands to Bottles | bottle cappers |
2,815,627 | Dec. 10, 1957 | W.B. Eddison | Seal Opening and Applying Head | bottle cappers |
2,823,816 | Feb. 18, 1958 | W.B. Eddison | Seal Transferring Apparatus | bottle cappers |
2,826,884 | Mar. 18, 1958 | W.B. Eddison | Apparatus for Applying Sealing Bands | bottle cappers |
2,835,088 | May 20, 1958 | W.E. Erickson, W.B. Eddison | Machine for Applying Sealing Bands to Bottles | bottle cappers |
2,843,252 | Jul. 15, 1958 | W.E. Erickson, W.B. Eddison | Spotting Device | bottle cappers |
2,903,156 | Sep. 08, 1959 | W.B. Eddison | Seal Opening and Transferring Mechanism | bottle cappers |
2,986,859 | Jun. 06, 1961 | W.E. Erickson, W.B. Eddison | Apparatus for Applying Seals to Containers | bottle cappers |
3,029,499 | Apr. 17, 1962 | W.E. Erickson, W.B. Eddison | Ring Feeding Apparatus | bottle cappers |