Patents for Charles W. Brown |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,704 | Aug. 14, 1844 | C.W. Brown | Tonguing and grooving machine | wood planers |
5,191 | Jul. 17, 1847 | W.E. Cornell, C.W. Brown | Gearing for connecting feed or pressure rollers | wood planers |
7,016 | Jan. 15, 1850 | C.W. Brown | Mill for Grinding | grist mills |
RE349 | Feb. 05, 1856 | C.W. Brown | Matcher | wood planers |
151,957 | Jun. 16, 1874 | C.W. Brown | Cloth-Napping Machines | cloth napping machines |
681,071 | Aug. 20, 1901 | C.F. Owen | Machine for Turning Off Crank Pins, &c. | portable turning tools |