Patents for Richard Johnstone |
Patents 16 -
of 36
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
CA-1,100,743 | May 12, 1981 | C.B. Sipek, R.B. Clegg, R. Johnstone | Tool storage magazine for a machine tool | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
CA-1,106,974 | Aug. 11, 1981 | L.D. Ostby, R. Johnstone | Method and apparatus for remote display of analog signals occurring in computer controlled machine tools | machine tool controls |
CA-1,123,809 | May 18, 1982 | C.B. Sipek, R.B. Clegg, R. Johnstone | Machine tool with hollow structural steel members | milling machines |
4,390,953 | Jun. 28, 1983 | R. Johnstone | Unmanned Diagnostic Communications System for Computer Controlled Machine Tools | machine tool controls |
CA-1,166,748 | May 01, 1984 | R. Johnstone | Unmanned diagnostic communications system for computer controlled machine tools | numerically controlled milling machines |
4,462,080 | Jul. 24, 1984 | E.E. Kirkham, R. Johnstone | Voice Actuated Machine Control | machine tool controls |
CA-1,171,942 | Jul. 31, 1984 | J.E. Kurtzhalts, R. Johnstone | Flexible manufacturing system | numerically controlled milling machines |
4,472,783 | Sep. 18, 1984 | J.E. Kurtzhaltz, R. Johnstone | Flexible Manufacturing System | numerically controlled milling machines |
4,487,087 | Dec. 11, 1984 | R. Johnstone | Ball Nut Having Adjustable Preload | metalworking machine mechanisms |
4,514,123 | Apr. 30, 1985 | E.E. Kirkham, R. Johnstone | Adaptive Control System for Machine Tool or the Like | machine tool controls |
CA-1,186,775 | May 07, 1985 | E.E. Kirkham, R. Johnstone | Automatic spindle bearing adjustment | metalworking machine mechanisms |
4,527,661 | Jul. 09, 1985 | E.E. Kirkham, R. Johnstone | Adaptive Control System for Machine Tool or the Like | machine tool controls |
4,533,859 | Aug. 06, 1985 | R. Johnstone | Motorized Ball Nut | metalworking machine mechanisms |
CA-1,192,983 | Sep. 03, 1985 | E.E. Kirkham, R. Johnstone | Voice actuated machine control | machine tool controls |
CA-1,196,516 | Nov. 12, 1985 | R. Johnstone | Ball nut having adjustable preloading | metalworking machine mechanisms |