Patents for Edward E. Kirkham |
Patents 1 -
of 34
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,528,745 | Sep. 15, 1970 | E.E. Kirkham | Apparatus for Increasing the Frequency Response and Stability of a Light Detection System | machine tool controls |
3,596,153 | Jul. 27, 1971 | E.E. Kirkham, W.E. Brainard | Positional Control System for a Machine Tool | machine tool controls |
3,777,128 | Dec. 04, 1973 | E.E. Kirkham | Input Data Sampling Scheme for Computer Controlled Machine Tools | machine tool controls |
3,786,938 | Jan. 22, 1974 | E.E. Kirkham | Reversing Drive for a Tool Changer | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
3,878,445 | Apr. 15, 1975 | F. Zankl, E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, R. Stobbe | A.C. Motor Control Apparatus and Method (CNC Control Circuitry) | machine tool controls |
CA-990,537 | Jun. 08, 1976 | E.E. Kirkham | Reversing drive for a tool changer | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
3,986,087 | Oct. 12, 1976 | J.J. Schachte, R.E. Stobbe, E.E. Kirkham, F. Zankl | A.C. Motor Control Apparatus and Method (CNC Control Circuitry) | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
3,986,088 | Oct. 12, 1976 | J.J. Schachte, R.E. Stobbe, E.E. Kirkham, F. Zankl | A.C. Motor Control Apparatus and Method (CNC Control Circuitry) | machine tool controls |
4,028,599 | Jun. 07, 1977 | F. Zankl, E.E. Kirkham, R.E. Stobbe, J.J. Schachte | Method of Controlling an A.C. Motor | machine tool controls |
CA-1,014,603 | Jul. 26, 1977 | E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, F. Zankl, R.E. Stobbe | A.C. motor control apparatus and method | motor controls |
CA-1,019,390 | Oct. 18, 1977 | E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, F. Zankl, R.E. Stobbe | Method of controlling an A.C. motor | motor controls |
CA-1,019,391 | Oct. 18, 1977 | E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, F. Zankl, R.E. Stobbe | A.C. motor control apparatus and method | motor controls |
CA-1,021,843 | Nov. 29, 1977 | R.E. Stobbe, E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, F. Zankl | A.C. motor control apparatus and method | motor controls |
CA-1,023,427 | Dec. 27, 1977 | E.E. Kirkham, J.J. Schachte, F. Zankl, R.E. Stobbe | A.C. motor control apparatus and method | motor controls |
4,091,294 | May 23, 1978 | F. Zankl, E.E. Kirkham, R.E. Stobbe, J.J. Schachte | A.C. Motor Control Apparatus and Method | motor controls |