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Patents for John Miller
Patents 1 - 12 of 12
First set of recordsLast set of records
3,674XMar. 13, 1823J. MillerFire proof furnace for distilleriesindustrial furnaces
5,150XJun. 24, 1828B. Clemmons, J. MillerSetting stills, boilers, kettles, etc.stationary boilers
NX-183,504,024Apr. 02, 1835C. Jackson, S.S. Potter, J. MillerSpinning spindle, rotary and stationarytextile machines
3,412Jan. 20, 1844J. MillerTail-block of sawmillssawmill tailblocks
22,323Dec. 14, 1858R. WilsonMachine for drilling metaldrilling and boring
23,406Mar. 29, 1859R.H. St. JohnWatchmakers Lathewatchmakers lathes
29,117Jul. 10, 1860S.B. WilkinsSpoke-machinewheelwright
163,269May 11, 1875G.J. ShimerImprovement in machines for matching lumbermatchers
166,035Jul. 27, 1875G.J. ShimerImprovement in cutter-heads for planing and molding machinescutterheads
184,686Nov. 21, 1876J. MillerMachines for Tapping Pipes Under Pressureplumber
236,620Jan. 11, 1881W.J. PerkinsShingle-sawing machineshingle machines
294,221Feb. 26, 1884J. Miller, J.R. GorrellCircular saw millcircular sawmills
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