Patents for John Miller |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,674X | Mar. 13, 1823 | J. Miller | Fire proof furnace for distilleries | industrial furnaces |
5,150X | Jun. 24, 1828 | B. Clemmons, J. Miller | Setting stills, boilers, kettles, etc. | stationary boilers |
NX-183,504,024 | Apr. 02, 1835 | C. Jackson, S.S. Potter, J. Miller | Spinning spindle, rotary and stationary | textile machines |
3,412 | Jan. 20, 1844 | J. Miller | Tail-block of sawmills | sawmill tailblocks |
22,323 | Dec. 14, 1858 | R. Wilson | Machine for drilling metal | drilling and boring |
23,406 | Mar. 29, 1859 | R.H. St. John | Watchmakers Lathe | watchmakers lathes |
29,117 | Jul. 10, 1860 | S.B. Wilkins | Spoke-machine | wheelwright |
163,269 | May 11, 1875 | G.J. Shimer | Improvement in machines for matching lumber | matchers |
166,035 | Jul. 27, 1875 | G.J. Shimer | Improvement in cutter-heads for planing and molding machines | cutterheads |
184,686 | Nov. 21, 1876 | J. Miller | Machines for Tapping Pipes Under Pressure | plumber |
236,620 | Jan. 11, 1881 | W.J. Perkins | Shingle-sawing machine | shingle machines |
294,221 | Feb. 26, 1884 | J. Miller, J.R. Gorrell | Circular saw mill | circular sawmills |