Patents for F. Curtis |
Patents 1 -
of 16
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
135,684 | Feb. 11, 1873 | H.K. Austin | Handle for File | files |
160,015 | Feb. 23, 1875 | D. Goodnow, Jr. | Improvement in Devices for Cutting out Sheet-Metal Washers | washer cutters |
172,052 | Jan. 11, 1876 | H.M. Quackenbush | Improvement in scroll-sawing machines | scrollsaws |
175,969 | Apr. 11, 1876 | D. Goodnow, Jr. | Improvement in hand-drills for drilling metal | hand drills |
179,984 | Jul. 18, 1876 | G.A. Walker | Improvement in spring air-pistols | firearms |
182,891 | Oct. 03, 1876 | J. Chase | Improvement in wood-pulp engines | wood grinding machines |
197,512 | Nov. 27, 1877 | J. Chase | Improvement in steam cooking apparatus | cooking boilers |
198,973 | Jan. 08, 1878 | G.H. Fox | Improvement in breech-loading fire-arms | shotguns |
201,362 | Mar. 19, 1878 | A.S. Smith | Improvement in oil-cups | oil cups |
204,962 | Jun. 18, 1878 | G.H. Fox | Improvement in adjustable ladder-trusses | |
259,717 | Jun. 20, 1882 | M. Prior | Combination Instrument for Cleaning Gas Cocks | combination tools |
264,816 | Sep. 19, 1882 | A. Beaudry | Power-hammer | drop hammers |
281,001 | Jul. 10, 1883 | A. Beaudry | Power-hammer | drop hammers |
369,513 | Sep. 06, 1887 | G.H. Fox, F.H. Pope | Roll for buffing shoe-soles | shoe and boot making machines |
373,821 | Nov. 29, 1887 | L.W. Lombard, G.H. Fox | Heel-stiffener machine | shoe and boot making machines |