Patents for J. S. Brown |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,612 | Dec. 23, 1851 | W.F. Fergus, J.M. Patton | Cutter for planing-machines | cutters |
9,100 | Jul. 06, 1852 | W.F. Fergus, J.M. Patton | Cutter-head for planing | cutterheads |
9,229 | Aug. 31, 1852 | E. Valentine, A. Bradway | Roller Saw-Set | saw sets |
9,917 | Aug. 09, 1853 | B.H. Green | Carpenter's Clamp | clamps |
9,993 | Sep. 06, 1853 | C. Montague | Improvement in printing-presses | printing presses |
10,585 | Feb. 28, 1854 | J. Zook | Carrier for Lathes | metal lathe chucks |
13,489 | Aug. 28, 1855 | D. Davis, R.W. Davis | Woodworker's Leg Vise | leg vises |
15,183 | Jun. 24, 1856 | C.R. Iliff | Drafting Protractors | protractors |
15,277 | Jul. 08, 1856 | H.C. Brown | Woodworker's Leg Vise | leg vises |
16,034 | Nov. 04, 1856 | A.S. Walbridge | Self-acting head and tail block for sawing-mills | sawmill headblocks |
23,586 | Apr. 12, 1859 | W. Kegg | Mortising, boring and tenoning machine | mortising machines |
67,269 | Jul. 30, 1867 | F.J. Coffin | Improvement in Slides for Rules, Scales and Tables | rule attachments |
RE2,924 | May 05, 1868 | J.M. Stanton, S.F. Stanton | Improvement in head-blocks for saw-mills | sawmill headblocks |
82,041 | Sep. 08, 1868 | R.D. Smith | Improvement in bit-stocks | brace chucks |
114,129 | Apr. 25, 1871 | J. Goodrich, H.J. Colburn | Improvement in self-oiling pulleys | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |