Patents for Frank Zankl |
Patents 46 -
of 58
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,087,901 | May 09, 1978 | F. Zankl, E.R. Lohneis | Tool Change Mechanism for Machine Tools | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
4,091,294 | May 23, 1978 | F. Zankl, E.E. Kirkham, R.E. Stobbe, J.J. Schachte | A.C. Motor Control Apparatus and Method | motor controls |
4,133,423 | Jan. 09, 1979 | F. Zankl | Shuttle System for Machine Tool | metalworking machine mechanisms |
CA-1,055,240 | May 29, 1979 | E.R. Lohneis, F. Zankl | Tool change mechanism for machine tools | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
4,164,290 | Aug. 14, 1979 | F. Zankl | Automatic Tool Changer for Machine Tools | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
4,211,512 | Jul. 08, 1980 | F. Zankl | Rotary Table With Ballscrew Drive | rotary tables |
CA-1,083,801 | Aug. 19, 1980 | F. Zankl | Automatic tool changer for machine tools | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
D257,042 | Sep. 23, 1980 | E.R. Lohneis, F. Zankl, C.B. Stevens, T.J. Green | Machine tool | milling machines |
4,261,675 | Apr. 14, 1981 | F. Zankl | Machine Tool With Pulsating Cutting Force | milling machines |
4,358,888 | Nov. 16, 1982 | A.L. Cleek, C.B. Sipek, F. Zankl | Automatic Tool Changer With Internal Tool Storage Magazine | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
4,404,727 | Sep. 20, 1983 | F. Zankl | Machine Tool Operable as Both a Chucking Type Lathe and as a Machining Center | milling machine accessories |
CA-1,178,799 | Dec. 04, 1984 | F. Zankl, A.L. Cleek, C.B. Sipek | Automatic tool changer with internal tool storage magazine | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
CA-1,178,800 | Dec. 04, 1984 | F. Zankl, A.L. Cleek, C.B. Sipek | Automatic tool changer with internal tool storage magazine | tool changers and storage mechanisms |