Patents for Wallace E. Brainard |
Patents 16 -
of 20
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,591,920 | Jul. 13, 1971 | E.F. Drechsler, W.E. Brainard | Tool Change Mechanism with Magazine Positioning Means | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
3,596,153 | Jul. 27, 1971 | E.E. Kirkham, W.E. Brainard | Positional Control System for a Machine Tool | machine tool controls |
3,661,463 | May 09, 1972 | C.B. Sipek, W.E. Brainard | Single Interferometer Multiple Axis Laser Measuring System | machine tool controls |
CA-920,798 | Feb. 13, 1973 | C.B. Sipek, W.E. Brainard | Single interferometer multiple axis laser measuring system | metalworking machine mechanisms |
CA-930,145 | Jul. 17, 1973 | W.E. Brainard, E.F. Drechsler | Tool change mechanism with tool magazine positioning means | tool changers and storage mechanisms |