Patents for John Humphrey |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,834 | Oct. 26, 1842 | J. Humphrey | Machine for cutting veneers and other thin pieces of wood from the circumference of a log | veneer machines |
16,923 | Mar. 31, 1857 | J. Humphrey | Machine for cutting slots in clothes-pins | clothespin machines |
18,268 | Sep. 22, 1857 | J. Humphrey | Lathe for the manufacture of clothes pins, &c. | wood lathes |
22,430 | Dec. 28, 1858 | J. Humphrey | Tool for slotting clothes-pins | clothespin machines |
98,265 | Dec. 28, 1869 | J. Humphrey | Improvement in boring and mortising-machine | mortising machines |
111,748 | Feb. 14, 1871 | J. Humphrey | Improvement in pumps | |
260,202 | Jun. 27, 1882 | J. Humphrey | Turbine Water Wheel | turbine water wheels |