Patents for C. W. Coe |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,441 | Dec. 07, 1852 | C.W. Coe | Drilling-machine | drill presses |
XC-552 | Sep. 19, 1855 | C.W. Coe | Machine for drilling holes (and other operations) in metals | drill presses |
37,433 | Jan. 20, 1863 | C.W. Coe | Improvement in drilling and screw-cutting machines | drill presses |
RE2,487 | Feb. 19, 1867 | C.W. Coe | Improvement in drilling and bolt-tapping machines | drill presses |
86,001 | Jan. 19, 1869 | C.W. Coe | Improved drilling and bolt-tapping machine | drill presses |
216,381 | Jun. 10, 1879 | C.W. Coe | Improvement in drilling-machines | drill presses |