Patents for Builders Iron Foundry |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
551,365 | Dec. 17, 1895 | F.N. Connet | Belt Shifter | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
779,646 | Jan. 10, 1905 | G. Gorton | Grinding Machine | grinding machines |
839,915 | Jan. 01, 1907 | N.H. Anderson | Belt-shifting apparatus | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
944,416 | Dec. 28, 1909 | A.W. Graham, F.N. Connet | Valve | industrial valves |
1,866,212 | Jul. 05, 1932 | F.E. Stratton, G.T. Huxford | Grinding machine | surface grinders |
2,019,677 | Nov. 05, 1935 | G.T. Huxford | Surface grinder | surface grinders |