Patents for Hall Manufacturing Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 57
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
75,576 | Mar. 17, 1868 | M. Prentiss | Bench Vise | bench vises |
113,656 | Apr. 11, 1871 | W.P. Harwood | Improvement in Vises | bench vises |
211,993 | Feb. 04, 1879 | J.F. Hall | Improvement in Pipe Gripes for Vises | vises |
231,181 | Aug. 17, 1880 | M.G. Lewis | Pipe-grip | pipe and chain vises |
CA-19,434 | May 28, 1884 | M.G. Lewis | Bench vice | bench vises |
1,692,439 | Nov. 20, 1928 | E.A. Hall | Grinding Tool | |
GB-300,746 | Nov. 22, 1928 | H.M. Co. | Improvements in Cylinder Grinders | cylinder maintenance |
1,694,705 | Dec. 11, 1928 | E.A. Hall | Valve Hone | honing tools |
1,695,548 | Dec. 18, 1928 | E.A. Hall, G.E. Burns | Gas Burner | |
CA-285,926 | Dec. 25, 1928 | G.J. Lindroth, E.A. Hall | Cylinder Hone | honing tools |
1,696,477 | Dec. 25, 1928 | G.J. Lindroth, E.A. Hall | Cylinder Hone | honing tools |
CA-290,588 | Jun. 18, 1929 | E.A. Hall | Cylinder Hone | honing tools |
1,723,160 | Aug. 06, 1929 | E.A. Hall | Supporting Standard for Cylinder Hones | honing tools |
1,748,126 | Feb. 25, 1930 | E.A. Hall | Pilot Stem | valve grinding tools |
1,760,493 | May 27, 1930 | E.A. Hall | Portable Grinding Tool | valve grinding tools |