Patents for Medart Patent Pulley Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
237,118 | Feb. 01, 1881 | P. Medart | Split belt-pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
241,555 | May 17, 1881 | P. Medart | Belt-pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
423,333 | Mar. 11, 1890 | P. Medart | Friction Clutch | friction clutches |
448,583 | Mar. 17, 1891 | P. Medart | Belt-tightening mechanism | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
458,635 | Sep. 01, 1891 | P. Medart | Belt-pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
459,458 | Sep. 15, 1891 | P. Medart | Friction-clutch | friction clutches |
722,734 | Mar. 17, 1903 | P. Medart | Belt-pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
730,383 | Jun. 09, 1903 | P. Medart | Belt-pulley | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |