Patents for P. H. Kells & Sons |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
63,057 | Mar. 19, 1867 | P.H. Kells | Improved brick-machine | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
RE2,810 | Dec. 10, 1867 | P.H. Kells | Improved brick-machine | brick and tile making machines |
81,511 | Aug. 25, 1868 | P.H. Kells | Improved brick-machine | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
124,590 | Mar. 12, 1872 | P.H. Kells | Improvement in brick-machines | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
177,851 | May 23, 1876 | P.H. Kells | Improvement in brick and tile machines | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
RE8,127 | Mar. 19, 1878 | P.H. Kells | Improvement in brick-machines | brick and tile making machines |
202,948 | Apr. 30, 1878 | P.H. Kells | Improvement in brick and tile machines | manufacturing bricks and tiles |
RE8,867 | Aug. 19, 1879 | P.H. Kells | Improvement in brick-machines | brick and tile making machines |
255,870 | Apr. 04, 1882 | P.H. Kells, J.M. Kells, A. Kells | Brick-machine | brick and tile making machines |
295,558 | Mar. 25, 1884 | P.H. Kells | Brick-machine | manufacturing bricks and tiles |