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Patents for Gaar, Scott & Co.
Patents 1 - 8 of 8
First set of recordsLast set of records
235,077Dec. 07, 1880A. GaarPortable Engineportable steam engines
RE9,819Jul. 26, 1881N.M. MendenhallTraction Enginesteam traction engines
254,223Feb. 28, 1882H. Campbell, H.N. LandTraction Enginesteam traction engines
257,444May 02, 1882H. Campbell, H.N. LandTraction Enginesteam traction engines
317,722May 12, 1885H.N. Land, H. CampbellPlatform for Traction Enginestraction engine suspensions
325,526Sep. 01, 1885J.M. GaarStraw Stackerhay or straw stackers
567,117Sep. 01, 1896W. Hearchel, H. CampbellThreshing Machinethreshers and thrashers
D28,543May 03, 1898W. StevensDesign for a Tooth for Cylinder Concaves of Threshing Machinesthreshers and thrashers
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