Patents for Witherby, Rugg & Richardson |
Patents 1 -
of 13
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
10,464 | Jan. 24, 1854 | S.S. Bartlett, J.E. Brown | Mortising-machine | mortising machines |
11,037 | Jun. 06, 1854 | H.O. Clark | Lathe | wood lathes |
14,272 | Feb. 12, 1856 | C. Burleigh | Gearing for feed-rollers of planing-machines | wood planers |
33,330 | Sep. 24, 1861 | S.S. Bartlett | Improved mortising-machine | mortising machines |
RE1,852 | Jan. 17, 1865 | S.S. Bartlett | Improvement in mortising-machines | mortising machines |
60,787 | Jan. 01, 1867 | S.M. Richardson | Tonguing and grooving cutterhead | cutterheads |
61,264 | Jan. 15, 1867 | G.J. Rugg | Improvement in planing machines | wood planers |
76,677 | Apr. 14, 1868 | L.B. Walker | Improvement in saw-mills | circular ripsaws |
89,245 | Apr. 20, 1869 | S.M. Richardson | Improvement in tenoning-machine | tenoning machines |
201,657 | Mar. 26, 1878 | W.E. Eastman | Improvement in mitering-machines | miter machines |
243,533 | Jun. 28, 1881 | W.E. Eastman | Mitering-machine | miter machines |
280,113 | Jun. 26, 1883 | F.E. Allen | Floor-clamp | floor clamps |
313,885 | Mar. 17, 1885 | S.M. Richardson | Planer presser-roll | wood planers |