Patents for Nathan Mfg. Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 113
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
D3,434 | Mar. 30, 1869 | I. Dreyfus | Design for an oil-cup for journal-boxes | machine lubricators |
RE5,737 | Jan. 20, 1874 | J.R. Sees | Improvement in lubricators | steam engine lubricators |
166,080 | Jul. 27, 1875 | I. Dreyfus | Improvement in apparatus for ejecting water | feedwater apparatus |
213,648 | Mar. 25, 1879 | A. Friedmann | Injector | water injectors |
234,158 | Nov. 09, 1880 | E. Wohlers | Injector | feedwater apparatus |
237,716 | Feb. 15, 1881 | J. Absterdam | Apparatus for oiling and lubricating the bearings and cylinders of steam-engines | steam engine lubricators |
298,329 | May 06, 1884 | J. Wotapek | Injector and Ejector | water injectors |
337,500 | Mar. 09, 1886 | R. Ruddy, L. Kaczander | Lubricator | steam engine lubricators |
359,869 | Mar. 22, 1887 | R. Ruddy, L. Kaczander | Stuffing Box for Steam Engines | steam engine stuffing boxes |
CA-26,380 | Apr. 04, 1887 | L. Kaczander | Lubricator for Locomotives | steam engine lubricators |
445,642 | Feb. 03, 1891 | R. Ruddy, L. Kaczander | Injector | water injectors |
491,224 | Feb. 07, 1893 | T. Poore | Lubricator | tool lubricators |
532,563 | Jan. 15, 1895 | L. Kaczander | Steam Injector | water injectors |
536,922 | Apr. 02, 1895 | J. Desmond | Injector | water injectors |
615,993 | Dec. 13, 1898 | L. Kaczander | Lubricating Apparatus for Locomotive Engines | steam engine lubricators |