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Patents for Waterous Engine Works Co.
Patents 1 - 15 of 16
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GB-185,500,242Jan. 31, 1855C.H. WaterousImprovements in machinery for forging nuts and washersnut or bolt making machines
NF-10Apr. 14, 1856C.H. WaterousMachine for making nuts and washers from bars of heated metalnut or bolt making machines
CA-90Oct. 02, 1869C.H. WaterousWaterous' set gauge for circular saw millssawmill set works
CA-2,023Feb. 03, 1873J.E. Emerson, G.H. Wilkes, C.H. WaterousRemovable saw set socketsaw sets
CA-2,094Feb. 21, 1873J.E. Emerson, G.H. Wilkes, C.H. WaterousImprovements on sawsinsertable saw teeth
CA-3,292Apr. 10, 1874R. SmallwoodLever feed for shingle sawing machinesshingle machines
CA-3,637Jul. 16, 1874I.M. HouseShingle machineshingle machines
CA-9,829Apr. 08, 1879R. SmallwoodLever feed for shingle machinesshingle machines
218,005Jul. 29, 1879J.G. EmeryImprovement in lumber-trimming machinescircular crosscut saws
CA-17,617Sep. 10, 1883W.B. SwartwoutLumber trimming machinecircular crosscut saws
358,952Mar. 08, 1887C.H. WaterousPortable engine
CA-29,180May 19, 1888J.N. PeelShingle machineshingle machines
CA-33,584Feb. 04, 1890C.H. Waterous, J.N. PeelFriction clutch pulleyfriction clutches
447,217Feb. 24, 1891J.N. Peel, C.H. Waterous, Jr.Friction-clutch pulleyindustrial machine clutches
CA-38,375Feb. 29, 1892J.T. MilneBand saw millband sawmills
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