Patents for First & Pryibil |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
57,565 | Aug. 28, 1866 | P. Pryibil | Improvement in sawmills | bandsaws |
94,130 | Aug. 24, 1869 | P. Pryibil | Oval lathe | wood lathes |
113,926 | Apr. 18, 1871 | P. Pryibil | Improvement in sawing-machines | bandsaws |
134,704 | Jan. 07, 1873 | P. Pryibil | Improvement in saw-guides | bandsaw guides |
166,355 | Aug. 03, 1875 | J. First | Improvement in resawing-machines | band resaws |
182,438 | Sep. 19, 1876 | W.D. Herschel | Improvement in scroll-sawing machines | scrollsaws |
301,272 | Jul. 01, 1884 | P. Pryibil, E.D. Mackintosh | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
312,736 | Feb. 24, 1885 | E.D. Mackintosh | Lathe for turning spirals | rope and spiral cutting machines |