Patents for George C. Taft |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
17,944 | Aug. 04, 1857 | G.C. Taft | Self-feeding drill | horizontal drilling machines |
23,798 | Apr. 26, 1859 | G.C. Taft | Improved Double-Acting Screw and Rack Wrench. | nut wrenches |
24,247 | May 31, 1859 | G.C. Taft | Manufacturing the Heads and Shanks of Screw Wrenches | wrench jaw components |
27,320 | Feb. 28, 1860 | G.C. Taft | Drill | horizontal drilling machines |
43,372 | Jun. 28, 1864 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in drills | horizontal drilling machines |
99,495 | Feb. 01, 1870 | G.C. Taft | Improved machine for drilling metals | horizontal drilling machines |
113,815 | Apr. 18, 1871 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in drilling-machines | horizontal drilling machines |
145,975 | Dec. 30, 1873 | G.C. Taft | Improvement in nail-extractors | nail extractors |
257,532 | May 09, 1882 | G.C. Taft | Drilling-machine | woodworking post drills |
CA-16,985 | Jun. 18, 1883 | G.C. Taft | Improvements in drilling machines | woodworking post drills |
405,210 | Jun. 11, 1889 | A. Goulding | Saw-guide | miter boxes |