Patents for Jones & Lamson Machine Co. |
Patents 61 -
of 178
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,924,735 | Aug. 29, 1933 | R.R. Finn, E.T. Bysshe | Means for Holding Chasers | tap and die holders |
1,924,738 | Aug. 29, 1933 | R.E. Flanders | Hydraulic Power Transmission and Metering Device Therefor | hydraulic apparatus |
1,931,652 | Oct. 24, 1933 | R.E. Flanders | Hydraulically Operated Feed Mechanism for High Speed Machines | hydraulic apparatus |
1,936,401 | Nov. 21, 1933 | J.E. Lovely | Machine Tool With Work Feeding Mechanism | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |
1,936,756 | Nov. 28, 1933 | R.E. Flanders | Hydraulic System and Mechanism Therefor | hydraulic apparatus |
1,939,643 | Dec. 19, 1933 | R.O. Beardsley | Screw Thread Gauge | thread gages |
1,945,632 | Feb. 06, 1934 | R.E. Flanders | Machine Tool and Hydraulic Feed Mechanism Therefor | hydraulic apparatus |
1,951,514 | Mar. 20, 1934 | J.E. Lovely | Lathe or the Like | turret lathes |
1,953,528 | Apr. 03, 1934 | R.R. Finn, E.T. Bysshe | Chaser | thread chasers |
1,953,529 | Apr. 03, 1934 | R.R. Finn, E.T. Bysshe | Automatic Die | taps and dies |
1,961,605 | Jun. 05, 1934 | A.E. Drissner, J.E. Lovely, N.I. Lundberg, M.E. Lange, F.O. Hoagland | Standard Spindle Nose | metal lathe chucks |
1,975,060 | Sep. 25, 1934 | R.E. Flanders | Gear Selecting and Shifting Mechanism | metalworking speed changing mechanisms |
1,976,072 | Oct. 09, 1934 | W.F. Howard | Method and Means for Preventing Chattering of Slender Work | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
1,979,023 | Oct. 30, 1934 | R.R. Finn, E.T. Bysshe | Gauge for Chaser Grinding | thread gages |
1,979,024 | Oct. 30, 1934 | R.R. Finn, E.T. Bysshe | Screw Threading Die | taps and dies |