Patents for Jones & Lamson Machine Co. |
Patents 151 -
of 178
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,614,580 | Oct. 21, 1952 | G.A. Cormier | Unloading Valve | hydraulic apparatus |
2,621,556 | Dec. 16, 1952 | J.A. Allan, R.O. Beardsley | Comparator for Testing Turbine Blades and the Like | comparators |
2,624,218 | Jan. 06, 1953 | J.W. Batchelder, R.E. Flanders | Thread Rolling Machine | thread rolling machines |
2,627,107 | Feb. 03, 1953 | E.J. Malco | Lathe Tool | lathe tools |
2,645,844 | Jul. 21, 1953 | N.R. Longe | Toolholder | lathe tool holders and tool posts |
2,652,661 | Sep. 22, 1953 | C.H. Drury, E.V. Flanders | Crush Dressing Mechanism | grinder dressers |
2,652,664 | Sep. 22, 1953 | F.C. Savage, J.A. Allan | Operator-controlled Grinding Machine With Optical Comparator | profile and contour grinders |
2,653,503 | Sep. 29, 1953 | G.A. Cormier | Automatic Machine Tool | automatic lathes |
2,690,373 | Sep. 28, 1954 | J.H. Osgood | Inspection and Recording Device | comparators |
2,698,413 | Dec. 28, 1954 | L.W. Thompson | Motor Control System for Positioning Devices | motor controls |
2,706,872 | Apr. 26, 1955 | C.H. Drury, E.V. Flanders | Grinding Machine | thread grinders |
2,707,892 | May 10, 1955 | M.P. Holmes | Impact-type Chuck Wrench | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
2,746,066 | May 22, 1956 | P.A. White, R.R. Finn | Collapsible Threading Die for Selectively Cutting Straight or Taper Threads | taps and dies |
2,778,170 | Jan. 22, 1957 | E.V. Flanders | Method of Grinding, Including Grinding Wheel Forming | grinder dressers |
2,780,956 | Feb. 12, 1957 | P.N. Welch, L.B. Fuller | Circle Tolerance Gauge for Optical Comparators | comparators |